3年前,我为了海外学期而离开香港,去了英国的哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)。在一次的交换学生派对上,我遇到了这位名叫 Claire 的台湾女孩。
当时她喝醉酒了,让我在面子书上加她为朋友。我们第一次相遇,而且才见面2分钟,她就叫我这么做, 我觉得很奇怪,但后来我们经过一些交流后,我还是加了她。
你猜后来怎么样?第二天,她竟然把我给忘了,完全想不起我。但她仍然在面子书接受了我的“朋友请求”(Friend request)。 3年后,我们还在一起。
我们在一起的3年里,90%的时间都是处于远距离:香港 – 台北、孟买(Mumbai, India)- 台北、匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)- 华盛顿(Washington DC),而现在就是匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)- 台北。
我3次去台北见她,她的家人也非常疼爱我。他们都很善良,对我和女友的异国恋,他们表示非常接受。但我的家人至今并不支持我们的异国恋,所以我希望我的家人也能够像 Claire 的家人那样。
作为长期的承诺和未来的妻子,因为 Claire 的肤色,我的家人非常认真地表示不接受她。他们甚至试图让我和她分手(寻找一个“印裔好女孩”来替代),但我们并没有因此而被打败。
当他们来美国探望我的时候,我还是把 Claire 介绍给他们,借此让他们清楚地知道:我只要和这个女孩在一起,无论在任何情况下,我们都不会放弃。
▼ 网友们看完这个真实故事以后,都表示这对恋人的爱情太美好了!
▼ 连单身狗都表示“蓝瘦香菇”了!
▼ 这个故事提醒大家:无论距离多遥远,只要双方愿意努力,就不成问题!
▼ 一些过来人在留言板上,留言鼓励他们!加油!

▼ 有些网友表示自己很幸运,虽然也是异国恋,但却得到家人的支持与祝福。
▼ 网友留言:「以后结婚时,一定要让我们知道哦!」
▼ 这位网友就是印裔和台裔所生下的混血儿!
▼ 网友们纷纷送上祝福给他们!

This is a story about an interracial couple, a long distance relationship and most importantly, tons of love.
Three years ago, I left Hong Kong and went to the University of British Columbia for my semester abroad. At one of the exchange student parties, I met this Taiwanese girl called Claire Chen. She was drunk, and asked me to add her on Facebook. I felt it was weird that she told me to do so within two minutes of meeting her, but then we were on exchange, so I added her anyway. Guess what? She didn’t even remember me the next day, but she still accepted my request. Three years later, we’re still together.
90% of our time has been in long distance: HK-Taipei, Mumbai-Taipei, Pittsburgh-Washington DC, and now Pittsburgh-Taipei. LDR has not been easy, but we have done everything to make sure it works out: trusting each other, never lying, never cheating, and finding different ways to show love to each other. Conquering all the barriers we’ve met, hopefully we’ll be in the same city in the near future.
I visited her in Taipei thrice, and her family absolutely loves me. They all have golden hearts and are very accepting of our interracial love. Wish I could say the same about my family, who have not been supportive of our interracial relationship. They don’t accept her as a serious, long-term commitment and future wife because of her skin, and tried to make me break up with her (and find a “nice Indian girl” instead). But they don’t defeat us. I still introduced her to them when they visited me in the US and made it clear that I’m fully committed to this girl. We’re not gonna give up under any circumstances.
Through thick and thin, we have been together, and we expect to be happily together for the rest of our lives. I feel so lucky to have found my perfect one.