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封面来源:pinterest | themideastbeast | johnprior


近日,一名大马网友在面子书 PO 文,自己的儿子在购物商场里,差点被不明人士抢走!


刚刚在 Sunway Pyramid 发生的事情:











▼ 网友们强烈建议原PO去报警。为了不要再有下一个受害者出现!


事情在面子书被曝光以后,Sunway Pyramid 管理层通过官方面子书 PO 文,内容写道:「虽然事情还没有呈报到我们的管理层这里,但我们已经成功寻获该帖文的贴主,也就是孩子的父亲。目前我们已经着手调查这起事件。」





Sunway Pyramid 的管理层已经联系了我,并向我的妻子询问整件事情的来龙去脉,他们说他们会要求商场里的保安人员提供当时的监视器画面。

吃过晚餐以後,我们去了距离 Sunway Pyramid 最靠近的警察局报案。


从9:30pm到现在已经快要1:00am。听了我们的描述、记下了声明、打印了报告,最后则签了名。接着,我们就绕道前往位于 SS17 的警察局,将报告提交给那里的检察官。



然后,他就从Sunway Pyramid保安人员的管理层那里,取得商店外面的监视器画面。










▼ 网友认为该商场已经加紧保卫措施。

▼ 网友们表示:近期吉隆坡确实出现很多阿拉伯人。

▼ 或许大马也需要施行这样的措施。


▼ 网友们揭发这些不法分子的干案手法。

▼ 有可能是其他国家的人,不一定是阿拉伯人!


▼ 网友们留言提醒大家:在人多的地方,要教孩子如何保护自己!

▼ 感谢原PO的分享,让许多家长都提高了警觉!


Just happened in Sunway Pyramid:

My mom in dressing room trying out a dress while my wife carrying my son browsing other clothes in that shop. I just walked out with my daughter to the next shop Clark’s. On my way out I saw one lady all dressed in black with fully covered face just can see eyes. Mind you that is selling Chinese-themed clothings shop. I saw her taking pics of price tag. I wondered a while but still continued my way to Clark’s next door.

Not long after, my wife ran into Clark’s to find me in panic telling me just now got one Arab woman trying to snatch our son.

She told me she kept shouting no no no to that woman in black and managed to grasp back our son. That woman was rubbing her face to my son face and mumbling in Arabic word (uncertain language, just suspecting) when trying snatch.

WTF!! She let go n ran out of the shop afterwards. I told the shop ppl to take the CCTV and report to management but she err-ed and said will work with management on it. I think maybe the CCTV not working? Don’t know lah. As long as my son is safe now.

Really wtfff. Becareful wherever you guys go and be aware of surroundings. We don’t let our kids run around and yet still trying to snatch off our hands.


Hi all, thanks for the kind words and concern.

Just to update, Cynthia from the Sunway Pyramid management was looking high n low to contact me and then finally got my number thru one of my ex-neighbour coz was Sunway Alumnus too (one of the perks of being Sunway kaki n student).

So Cynthia spoke to my wife n asked about details of the incident. She said will inform the security guards to review the CCTV.

The incident took place inside the shop called Dolly Concept Shop at between 7:00pm-7:10pm because according to our receipt at 7:12pm

Latest Update (30/12/19 9:30pm-1am 31/12/19)

After our dinner, we went to make police report at Sunway police station which is just outside Sunway Pyramid and next to it.

Cut story short coz I am actually freaking tired.

From 9:30pm until now almost 1:00am. Listened to our descriptions, took down statements, printed report, signed this that, done. We then detoured to SS17 police station to hand the report and give statement to inspector there.

Regarding the CCTV footage, one of the inspector went to shop earlier, where the incident took place, claimed that he waited 3 hours for the technician to come down from JB to fix the CCTV thingy but at the end the hard disk is faulty, so there’s no footage.

Then he went to get the footage from camera outside shop which is from Sunway Pyramid management security guard.

This is what he told us:

The outside CCTV is just too far away and so human figures are small. Can’t see the snatching action inside the shop but at around 18:58 to 17:01 (just 3 minutes) he saw 2 Arab women, 1 older which appears to be old mother and fully visible face (not covered) waiting at the Optical 88 which is next to the shop. Then the snatcher woman went in the shop. They seemed to make verbal communication on and off. The old mother perhaps as a watcher. Then in within those 3 minutes, the snatcher can be seen coming out of the shop n look around before rushing to her old mother and then fled off quickly. After that can see my wife rushing to Clark’s (to find me and tell me)

So that’s it. No snatching footage to see.

I’m kinda disappointed because can’t see it happen to feel my wife’s trauma and struggles at the point.

I would like to suggest that every shopping mall should have a monthly checking of all the shop cctv to ensure it’s working 100% and impose heavy fine if it’s not working. Really frustrated. I would like to tag Sunway Pyramid again, especially on reading my suggestion, because all these years you’ve been trying to improve child safety but maybe overlooked shop CCTV so hopefully you can improve better because I frequent Sunway Pyramid a lot and it’s me and my family’s favorite mall.

If you need more safety suggestions I have a lot of solutions to share.

Additional stuff: My wife only told me this when we reached the Sunway police station. She actually lost grip to the snatcher who got hold upper body of our son and my wife could only catch our son’s knees with each of her hand.


来源:Facebook | Sunway Pyramid / Facebook | 星洲日报