
▼每小时的租车价格是根据车型号, 总共有8个款式的车辆得选。最便宜属Axia了, 每小时才RM8 !就连Toyota Vios也才一小时RM 15.50。如果5个人一起旅行,比起搭Taxi就省很多,而且可以自由出走!

▼要怎么用呢?当你要开始使用SOCAR租车服务的时候,首先你必须先下载SOCAR App, 并注册帐号,过后就可以开始租车了。而且SOCAR是采用无钥匙系统(Keyless System), 用户们也必须通过SOCAR APP解锁,基本上所有程序都是以APP要操控。

▼你要租SOCAR车时,必须缴付one-off payment fee,可以通过Debit Card或Credit Card付款。这个费用已经包括每小时30/KM的车油。如果驾超过30KM,接下来的费用以每公里25仙计算。
How do I use SOCAR?
1) Download SOCAR app from app. store.
2) Sign-up with a valid driver’s license, ID, and a payment information(credit/debit card).
3) Get yourself authorized and make your first reservation. You will receive your itinerary via SMS.
4) Go to the reserved SOCAR Zone and find your car. Take photos of front, rear, right, and left and send it to us through the app. Then, you’re free to drive!
5) Return the car on time, with clean condition. Remember to fill up at least 1/2(50%) of the fuel tank. If not, there will be a penalty charge.