吃货们又有口福咯!明天起,Kenny Rogers Roasters 套餐买一送一!只限三天哦!

▼ Kenny Rogers Roasters 满 25 周年了!
为了庆祝这值得纪念的日子,Kenny Rogers Roasters 将从明天起连续三天,推出套餐买一送一!
优惠活动:Kenny Rogers Roaster 买一送一促销
优惠日期:27 Mar 2019 至 29 Mar 2019
优惠地点:全马 Kenny Rogers Roasters 分行
优惠条件:在Kenny Rogers Roasters 用餐时,向柜台人员或服务员出示 E-voucher 即可享有此优惠。

- 主食(鸡肉)
- 3 盘小菜(Side Dishes)
- 1 个松饼(Muffin)
- 1 瓶果汁

▼ 此外,Kenny Rogers Roaster 在第 25 周年,也特别推出了周年纪念套餐!才 RM25(原价RM32)而已!
促销活动:Kenny Rogers Roaster 周年套餐促销
促销日期:即日起至 28 Apr 2019
促销地点:全马 Kenny Rogers Roaster 分行
Terms & Conditions:
1. Available at all Kenny Rogers ROASTERS restaurants in Malaysia.
2. All prices are subject to 6% Service Tax & 5% Service Charge where applicable.
3. Prices and products vary based on location.
4. Products shown are for illustration purposes only.
5. Visuals shown are for illustration purposes only.
6. Not valid with others offer/promotion/discount.
7. Discounted item is non-exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for cash in part or full.
8. Purchase of discounted item is not entitled for any KRR Card Bonus.
9. Subject to stock availability.
10. The management reserves the right to replace promotion item with item of similar value without prior notice.